Croft Cargo

When there’s cargo to go, it will be your trusted people, as well as the transport, that get your consignment there reassuringly on time and to budget.

OUR Promise

Our People are
our assets

Dedication and commitment to our customers’ peace of mind has always been our driver; and you can’t achieve that without the right people. That’s why, at Croft Cargo, we have a really special team. We are a trusted bunch of freight forwarders, cargo specialists, domestic and international delivery experts, with years of experience and specialist know-how.

We understand home and global shipping demands and requirements across the sectors, as well as the pressures faced by today’s commercial industries.

Working with Croft Cargo, you’ll have your own go-to person, from your initial query right through to invoicing. You’ll never be passed to other departments. You’ll never speak to someone who doesn’t know you and the detail of your requirements, from end-to-end.

OUR Promise

Our people make sure your cargo is always on track.

From when we were originally formed in 2010, our customers have appreciated the personal service we provide; unique in many ways within such a corporate industry. They can call us for the little things as well as the big, urgent jobs; we’re approachable, and happy to spend time discussing business or just catching up.

To us, it’s all part of the job we enjoy. And we’re delighted to invite you to our newly-renovated offices, anytime you’d like to join us for a coffee. We regularly welcome our customers through our doors for a catch-up. It gives us the chance to show off our Team Croft hospitality, and what goes on behind the scenes at Croft HQ. Our customers know, at Croft Cargo, our friendliness, advice and support isn’t an add-on, it’s in everything we do. We’re very proud
of that.

Team Croft

Meet the people

We are a trusted bunch of freight forwarders, cargo specialists, domestic and international delivery experts.


Our Values

Push Boundaries

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Get in Touch

Win Together

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Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem

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Constantly Learn

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Interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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